Tates Camp

Remember Mikey? He Hates Everything!

Do you ever recall seeing one of those Life cereal commercials from the 70’s where two brothers discover a new cereal and neither one wants to try it, so they push it over to their younger brother and say, “Let’s get Mikey. He won’t eat it. He hates everything.” To the amazement of his two [...]

By |2017-11-03T17:11:40-04:00January 27th, 2017|Tates Camp|

Two Left Shoes

Something happened today. Something happened that made me have happy tears. As Mary's worst morning was coming to a close, another scream of panic came from the back seat as we were driving to school. Not only could she not find her favorite tennis shoes before we left, she had to settle on another pair. [...]

By |2017-11-03T17:00:17-04:00October 26th, 2016|Tates Camp|

Here… Take My Slice of Pizza

It was lunch time in Kindergarten, and it was everybody’s favorite day – pizza. The teacher passed out the lunches and noticed that one little girl didn’t have a lunch. She was not on the sign up list for pizza, and she hadn’t brought her lunch from home. No problem – it sometimes happens, so [...]

By |2017-11-03T16:55:59-04:00September 13th, 2016|Tates Camp|

I Blinked

Three weeks ago, while standing in the camp office, I said to our incredible team of directors, “Let’s make these final three weeks count because in the blink of an eye, we will be standing in this room – it will be Thursday, and there will only be one day of camp left. Focus on [...]

By |2017-11-03T16:54:34-04:00July 27th, 2016|Tates Camp|
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