I have had the joy of working at Tate’s for the last 5 years. Working with kids has been one of the biggest blessings of my life. They have such a unique understanding of the world around them and love to tell us about it…all without a filter. This past year I’ve been taught how not to offend people, when the proper time to purchase a cat is, and who to talk to when you want to see something explode. Here are a collection of my favorite quotes and sayings from summer camp and aftercare. I hope you learn something. I sure did.
7 yr. old camper: Um…Miss Maggie, why is the other group’s DEAR (Drop Everything and Rest/Read) time longer than mine?
Me: Because they eat and get cleaned up more quickly than you do.
Her: Well, I like to take my time and eat slow. Like my mom always says, “Eat slow.”
Aftercare counselor: Boys, remember how to treat a lady.
Third grade boy: Yeah, like don’t call her fat. I hear that gets you in trouble.
Second grader: Miss Maggie, how old are you?
Me: Almost 23.
Her: Um…you know that if you aren’t married by 25 you have to start buying cats, right?
Me: Thanks for that.
Her: I’m just trying to look out for you.
5th Grader #1: After we make a trebuchet can we make a canon?
Me: Yeah if you get that cleared by Mr. Chris.
5th Grader #1: I’ll ask him next time I see him!
5th Grader #2: No! Don’t ask Mr. Chris! Ask J-Ho. He’ll definitely say yes. Especially if it explodes.
When asking a 5 year old what he wants to be when he grows up:
5 yr. old: You know, I’ve decided I’m going to be a director at Tate’s. I really want to drive those golf carts.
7 yr. old: I’m pretty sure my dad and uncle are rednecks. They’re always racing their lawnmowers in front of our house
7 yr. old: I was upset with Mr. Josh (her counselor) the other day.
Me: Why is that?
7 yr. old: He told another girl he saw a unicorn and I said, “Mr. Josh, do you really want to encourage that kind of behavior?” And then he laughed, but I don’t know why because I was NOT joking.
7 yr.old: Miss Maggie, you’re engaged to three different counselors.
Me: Oh really? Do I have a favorite?
7 yr. old: Well, I know which one isn’t your favorite.
Me: Why would you say that?
7 yr.old: I see the way you look at him sometimes.
This is just too funny! I can’t wait to see the next one.